CSC- 456-Multimedia Database


Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology


Course Title: Multimedia Database

Course No: CSC- 456                                                                       Full Marks: 60+20+20

Credit hours: 3                                                                                  Pass Marks: 24+8+8

Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)


Course Synopsis: Advanced aspects of multimedia database, indexing and retrieval


Goal: To study advanced aspects of indexing, storage device, retrieval of multimedia information encompassing the principles, research results and commercial application of the current technologies.


Course Contents:

Unit 1: Multimedia Introduction                                                            3 Hrs.

Introduction to multimedia database, issues related to multimedia data types, media types, text document information retrieval, indexing.


Unit 2: Multimedia Data types and formats                                           3 Hrs.

Text, Vector graphics and animation, digital images and digital video, major characteristics and requirement of multimedia data and applications


Unit 3: Multimedia database design issues                                              2 Hrs.

MIRS architecture, data models and user interface, User interface design and feature Extraction, indexing and similarity measures


Unit 4: Text Document Indexing and retrieval                                        5 Hrs.

Automatic text document indexing and Boolean Retrieval model, Vector space retrieval model, probabilistic model and cluster-based retrieval model, Nontraditional IR methods, Performance measurement, WWW search engines


Unit 5: Indexing and retrieval of audio                                                     2 hrs.

Audio properties and classification, Speech recognition and retrieval, Music indexing and retrieval


Unit 6: Image Indexing and retrieval                                                         5 Hrs.

Color-based image indexing and retrieval techniques, Image retrieval based on shape, on texture, Compressed image data, integrated image indexing


Unit 7: Multimedia Indexing and retrieval                                                5 Hrs.

Video shot detection or segmentation, video indexing and retrieval, Video representation and abstraction, Architecture of multimedia information management, user interface with example


Unit 8: Techniques and data structures for efficient multimedia similarity search    5 hrs.

Filter process, B+ and B trees, Clustering, Multidimensional B+ tree, K-d trees, Grid files, Tree family


Unit 9: System support for distributed multimedia databases                 5 Hrs.

QoS management , Design goals, Data storage devices and management , Data  placement on disks, Disks scheduling and admission control, Server configuration and network connection


Unit 10: Multimedia computer architecture and operating systems        4 Hrs.

Process architecture, Computer architecture, Design issues of MOS, QoS support, Multimedia network, Transport protocols, Synchronous presentation


Unit 11: Measurement of multimedia information retrieval effectiveness      3 Hrs.

Human Judgment data, Recall and precision pari, Percentage of weighted Hits, Similarity Ranking, Factors affecting retrieval effectiveness


Unit 12: Products, application and new development                                        3 Hrs.

Multimedia search engine, Digital libraries, Video- on-demand, Multimedia security, MPEG- 7, Multimedia database applications


Laboratory Work: There should be lab related to Multimedia Database


Reference books:

  1. Gunjoun Lu, Multimedia  database management systems
    2.G. Lu, Multimedia Database Management Systems, Artech  House , 1999.
    3.       T.Shih, Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Application , IRM Press, 2002.
    4.       V.S. Subrahmanian , Principles of Multimedia Database Systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.