Should I Study B.Sc. CSIT ? Which is the best CSIT College in Nepal ?

Few months earlier, team had a research on the topic, which is the best CSIT college in Nepal. For this, we had a question.
The question was –

Which CSIT College do you want to suggest for the upcoming +2 Science Graduates , who are interested in CSIT ?

This is the what we actually had asked for. This facebook post was distributed through our official page and some major groups in which there is majority of CSIT students.

We had got many responses in our pages and in the group where we have shared the post. Earlier, we had published the below post in our page for the conclusion.

Now its the time for full statistics. Let’s find the best csit college as per the student’s view.

Can you guess the result? The result is unbelievable.

Most of the students are suggesting Amrit Campus as the best csit college of Nepal. The reasons include the best faculty and cheap fee rate.  And the percentage of the vote for ASCOL i.e. Amrit Campus is only 11.4%.

Sagarmatha College is at second position with around 9% of total votes.  Patan Campus, Madan Bhandari, and Nepathya are at a third position with 5.7% of total votes.

The most interesting thing to know about the result is 48.6% of total votes suggest not to study B.Sc. CSIT.

Why most of the people are not suggesting to study B.Sc. CSIT ? What’s the weakness that is making negative impact on the course B.Sc. CSIT ? We will be with detail reason very soon.

Stay updated with us.




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