csc-459-Geographical Information System

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology


Course Title: Geographical Information System
Course no: CSC-459                                                                                   Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                                              Pass Marks: 24+8+8

Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis: Basic concepts of Geographical Information System

Goal:   The course covers about spatial data modelling and database design, capturing the real world, spatial analysis and visualization, overview of open GIS

Course Contents:

Unit 1: Introduction                                                                                                 6hrs.
1.1  Overview, History and concepts of GIS
1.2   Scope and  application areas of GIS
1.3   Purpose and benefits of GIS
1.4  Functional components of GIS
1.5  Importance of GPS and remote sensing data in GIS

Unit2:  Digital mapping concept                                                                            3 hrs.
  2.1 Map concept: map elements, map layers, map scales and representation
 2.2 Map projection: coordinate system and projection system

Unit 3: spatial data modeling and database design                                               9 hrs.
3.1  introduction to geographic phenomena and data modeling
3.2  spatial relationships and topology
3.3  scale and resolution
3.4   vector, raster and digital terrain model
3.5  Spatial database design with the concepts of geodatabase.

Unit 4: capturing the real world                                                                              8hrs.
4.1  different methods of data capture
4.2  map projection and spatial reference
4.3  data preparation, conversion and integration
4.4  quality aspects of spatial data
4.5  GPS
4.6  Remote Sensing

Unit 5: spatial analysis and visualization                                                                 7hrs.
5.1  spatial analysis
      i.      overlay
      ii.      buffering

5.2  map outputs and its basic elements

Unit 6: introduction to spatial data infrastructure                                                 8hrs.
6.1  SDI concepts and its current trend
6.2  The concept of metadata and clearing house
6.3  Critical factors around SDIs

Unit 7: Open GIS                                                                                                         4hrs.
7.1  Introduction of open concept in GIS
7.2  Open source software for spatial data analysis
7.3  Web Based GIS system
7.4  System Analysis and Design with GIS

Laboratory work: The lab should cover at least the concepts given the chapters

Reference books:

1-      Principles of geographic information systems: An introductory textbook, international institute for Geo-information science and Earth

observation, the Netherlands- By rolf De By, Richard A. knippers, yuxian sun

2-      ESRI guide to GIS analysis Andy Mitchell, ESRI press, Red lands

3-      GIS Cook BOOK