HackClash -24 hrs coding , A new way to Celebrate English new Year In Nepal with tech

“Hack-Clash Nepal” a hackathon program is announced for January 2, 2016 to January 3, 2016. It is an 24 hours long event starting from 10 AM with end at same time of the next day. The event is for inspiring younger generation about the changes that can be brought through the use of information technology. Organiser has goal to generate ideas and develop solutions for the betterment of Nepali community. According to organizers, mentors will be from inside and outside Nepal (mostly via remote tools) to answer any questions that participants may have, Mentors (mostly Nepali) have worked at different organizations such as Microsoft – USA, Amazon, Google- USA, Overstock, Ancestry, Twitter, Facebook, Oracle, TATA, Investment firms in New York, VISA, Groupon and representing world class instiutions such as Penn State, Purdue, Georgia Tech, Stanford, UCBerkeley, Brigham Young University, UIUC, MIT, Harvard, ETH Zurich, EPFL Lausanne, Dartmouth, Eindhoven, UW Madison, UW Seattle and many more.


No registration charge is applied to participants and free food, internet and prizes will be provided. But participants need to manage laptops or other gadgets, blankets etc. on their own Date and Time: The event will be held from 11 am, Jan 2, Saturday – 11 am, Jan 3, Sunday. The duration of the hackathon will be just under 24 hours. Details can be found on HackClash-Nepal 2016 .

Idea Behind HackClash :

The idea of ‘HackClash-Nepal’ initially started out of a conversation with Ashok Tamang (Howard University, DC and Google intern), Saurav Keshari Aryal (Howard University,DC and Google intern) and Bikalpa Neupane (currently at Penn State, BYU Alum and ex-Microsoft/ex-Overstock).


Okey I am Interested how can I participate ?

Thats great, that would be your first and best step to get engaged with tech revolution in year 2016 with the blasting experience by participating in this event , For participation :

Fill up this form : HackClash Participation form

Not Only you tell your friends too, Join and share the event : HackClash Facebook Event

Can I Sponsor for this event ? 

Yes, If you are interested in mentoring, funding or sponsoring the event please use the email hackathonatnepal@gmail.com or phone number +977-9808480346 to communicate and talk directly with organizers.

How long is the event going to be ?

The event will be held from 11 am, Jan 2, Saturday – 11 am, Jan 3, Sunday. Breakfast, Launch, Dinner  and unlimited cold and hot drinks with fries will be provided.

What about Transportation cost ?

There will be two round-trip Shuttle trips from Tinkune to the venue and will reimburse travel cost from your home to the venue ( NRs 50 per participant) assuming you stay entire event.

Everything is planned strictly per person including food and internet. We will email only selected applicants by Dec 31, 2015 midnight. We will have entry and exit ticket systems and coupons for the food. Free internet and space will be provided, beside you can bring laptops,speakers, Great Mind, good attitude, and warm clothes .


We would like to wish everyone a good luck for the successful completion of this event, may new year 2016 would be great tech year for all of us . – Team CSITINFO



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